Join the Hawthorne Neighborhood Association!
We are a group of neighbors who work collaboratively to make our neighborhood a better place to live. We hope you will consider joining the association and be involved in a community that matters to you.
Household Membership:
Supporting the Hawthorne Neighborhood Association helps us put on neighborhood events and supports neighborhood infrastructure. As a member, you’ll get access to all four of our quarterly newsletters by mail or email. Household memberships are $10 per year plus a $1 transaction fee for online payments.
By Mail:
If you prefer to send a $10 check, please make checks payable to "HNA", and send your donation to:
P.O. Box 1464
Fargo, ND 58107
Along with your check, please include the following information:
- Current Address
- Name(s) at Address
- Phone Number
- Quarterly Newsletter Preference (Mail or Email)
Thank you for supporting the Hawthorne Neighborhood Association!